What you need to know about traffic laws and speeding

Low-speed zones are areas that have been designated for certain roads. These areas include areas that have high pedestrian traffic such as school zones or streets with many intersections. You and your passengers could be hurt if you exceed the speed limit.
Never pass a stopped bus that has a stop sign on its left. Children are crossing the street when a stopped bus is displaying a stop sign to its left.
If you hear a siren behind you, pull to one side and wait for the fire engine or police car to pass.
Before you move, stop at all stop signs.
Respect the posted speed limit at all times. Speeding tickets can be costly. Penalties for speeding include fines, court appearances, suspension or loss of driving privileges, as well as possible suspension or exclusion from your license. Speeding tickets may also increase your insurance rates depending on which policy you have. If you want to be careful while driving, then take driving lessons from a reputable driving school.
Pay attention to handicap signs, fire hydrants, bus stop zones, parking restrictions, and permit-required spots when parking your car. Pay attention to all signs. Even if it means you have to go around the block several times, it’s better than getting fined or having your vehicle towed.
Please click here for more information: traffic management company
Everything you need to know about DUI & DWI
Driving while intoxicated (DUI) is a term that refers to driving after having consumed alcohol. Alcohol can slow down your reflexes, temporarily lower your mental acuity and compromise your ability to control a vehicle safely.
DUI arrests can have severe consequences. These include jail time, suspended driver’s licenses and possible fines. Even worse are the consequences if you hit or kill someone while driving impaired.
Open containers of alcohol are also prohibited in your vehicle. You must seal any alcoholic beverages you are transporting and keep them in your trunk.
To deter and identify impaired drivers, some cities have sobriety checkpoints. They are usually set up on holiday weekends or when there is more drinking and driving.
You might be asked several questions at checkpoints and asked to complete sobriety testing. If you are found to have high levels of alcohol, you may be arrested by the police. These things will also affect the amount you pay for your car insurance. If you have a bad driving record because of these offenses, you might have to pay for a more expensive insurance premium. You can learn more about it here sr22 insurance nevada.
Winter driving tips
Winter can bring all kinds of driving problems: snow, freezing rain and slush. These all make it more dangerous. Winter driving can be stressful.
Be sure to buckle up. Seat belts and car seat use are basic safety measures for cars. They are one of the best defences against a car accident. It’s also the law.
Extra caution is required in areas where ice forms quickly, such as intersections, shaded areas and bridges.
You can be prepared for bad weather by checking the weather reports online and on TV regularly. Schools and workplaces may be closed or delay opening due to severe weather. If you don’t have to travel, consider staying home.
You should keep a first aid kit and blankets in your trunk. You can see our complete list of emergency car kit items.
You should ensure that your phone is fully charged and that you have enough gas in your car.
Nationwide offers auto insurance to ensure that you have someone there for you when you need them.