Covid Vaccination Certificate- Downloading procedures and benefits to reap

One of the most important documents post-covid is the covid vaccination certificate. This document is legal proof that you have successfully taken both doses of any covid vaccine that is accepted by the country. This document contains a few important details about you, like your name, age, gender, Id proof, etc., and other details such as the vaccine that you took and the number of doses taken. Life post-covid has not been the same, to easily adapt to the changes imposed for our protection by the government, you must have a covid vaccination certificate.
If you are someone who is still not vaccinated, you can simply book your slot via apps recommended by the government, such as Aarogya Setu, Eka Care, etc. You can find the procedure to book the slot and download the vaccine certificate explained in simple steps on these apps. The government has taken numerous steps to vaccinate each citizen of the country to prevent the outbreak of any new wave of Covid-19. If you are already vaccinated, make sure you own your vaccine certificate downloaded to use it when required. If not, you can download it by undergoing simple steps.
Ways to Download Covid Vaccination Certificate
There are several ways, like vaccine certificate download by aadhaar number, mobile number, driving license, etc., are available to the public on platforms like the Aarogya setu, UMANG app, Digilocker app, Cowin portal, etc. You can find the downloading procedures explained in easy steps on these platforms. Here is the detailed downloading procedure for vaccination certificates from a few platforms.
Steps to download the vaccination certificate on the CoWIN website
- Open the official website and click on the yellow button titled Register/sign yourself. If you are a first-time user then you need to register using photo ID proofs such as an Aadhaar card, driving license, Pan card, passport, etc. these details need to match the details provided by you at the time of vaccination.
- Once the registration is complete you can sign in to generate the OTP.
- After taking your vaccine dose, you can spot a certificate option listed under your name.
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- Next, click on the ‘certificate’ option to get your Covid-19 certificate downloaded.
Steps to download the vaccination certificate on the Aarogya setu app
- For your vaccination certificate to be available on this app you need to be registered using your Aadhar number on the CoWIN portal.
- Get the Aarogya setu app downloaded through Google Play or the IOS app store.
- Search for the CoWIN tab and click on the vaccination certificate.
- For you to get the certificate, you need to be ready with the 13-digit beneficiary reference Id.
- As you provide this number, access will be granted to you to download your covid vaccination certificate.
Just like the above-listed platforms, there are a few more platforms from where you can download your vaccination certificate by performing simple and quick steps that are explained on the respective platforms.
Benefits of downloading the vaccine certificate
As covid related issues have been cured to a large extent, people have started to travel across borders and get their life on track again. However, to be able to live life normally again, you must have your downloaded vaccination certificate. Here are a few benefits that you can reap by having covid vaccination certificate download.
- Enables you to travel within the country and abroad without having to undergo covid tests, quarantine periods, etc.
- Most countries have made this proof of vaccination a compulsory criterion to be able to get permission to travel in their country. Without this document, you won’t be able to enter many countries.
- Covid vaccination certificate ensures that you are safe to be present at public places such as railway stations, malls, cinema halls, restaurants, etc. You may be asked for a vaccination certificate to get entry to such places.
- The certificate provides details about which vaccine and in what quantity has been given to you. This can be a good source of information in case you experience sudden health-related issues while travelling.
- The certificate can soon become globally accepted proof of covid vaccination.
- Downloading the certificate is free of cost and requires the bare minimum effort.