Here are some tips to help you recover comfortably after vaginal rejuvenation

You can feel more confident about your appearance after childbirth with labiaplasty or vaginoplasty. Vaginal rejuvenation may be able to correct an issue that has been causing you self-consciousness for years. For more information about vaginal rejuvenation you can visit
You should allow yourself sufficient time to heal from vaginal rejuvenation, as with any other type of plastic surgery. There are many factors that will affect the length of your recovery. However, you can generally expect the initial process to take anywhere from one to two weeks and extended recovery to last up until a month.
You can take steps to improve your comfort and long-lasting results. These are some tips to help you recover quickly from vaginal rejuvenation.
Get Time Off from Work
Depending on which type of surgery you had, the amount of time you will need to be away from work following vaginal renewal depends on how long you have been off. You might feel well enough to go back to work the day after labiaplasty. Vaginoplasty patients often want to take at least one week off their job.
If your job and finances allow, it can be a smart idea to take longer than you think you will need.
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You might be able to return to work on the first day of labiaplasty but you may feel more refreshed if you take a few days off.
Get Childcare Help
You can ensure a smooth recovery from vaginal rejuvenation by finding ways to reduce stress. You can do this by making sure that you have enough help at home, especially if your children are young.
Even if you don’t normally work with a babysitter or nanny, this is a good time to consider hiring one temporarily. You can let them look after your children, do their homework, and keep them away from your hair while you focus on healing.
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You can also invite your children to visit friends and family for a weekend or week. You’ll be able to focus on your comfort, and not worry about any possible arguments or concerns.
Prep before the Surgery
It is important to do as much preparation as possible for your recovery prior to your surgery. This will make your recovery process as smooth as possible. There are many things you can do in preparation for your recovery.
You might also want to find quiet ways to spend your time, such as reading or watching movies. You may also wish to arrange for meal delivery or prepare several meals that can be reheated and eaten. You might think about hiring someone to clean your home while you are away.
Use Ice packs
After surgery, there will be some swelling and bruising around the vaginal region. Applying an ice pack to the affected area can help ease discomfort and reduce swelling. You should avoid putting ice directly on your skin. This will ensure safety and comfort. Wrap the ice pack first in a soft towel.
It is possible that pain relief can help you feel more comfortable after surgery. You can ask your plastic surgeon for a prescription or to recommend an over-the-counter pain reliever.
Spray, Do Not Wipe
It doesn’t matter if you have had vaginal rejuvenation. However, it is always a good idea for the genital region to be treated gently after using the bathroom. After surgery, gentle treatment is essential. It is important not to injure or disturb any sutures.
It is recommended to spray the area with a little water after you use the bathroom. This will allow for the first recovery period.
Keep Your Clothing Simple
You should choose your clothing carefully after vaginal surgery to minimize pressure and irritation. It is recommended to wear loose-fitting, breathable clothes. Comfortable cotton shorts and boy shorts are better than shapewear or even thongs.
Wait for Sex
Even though you may have chosen to have vaginal resuscitation to improve your sex life or to revitalize your sex, it is important that your body heals properly before you can have sexual contact again.
When it is safe to resume sexual activity, your surgeon will inform you. You can usually expect to wait approximately four to six weeks before you are able to resume sex after surgery.
You should avoid exercise, especially if it puts pressure on your vaginal area. A few days after your procedure, your plastic surgeon may give you permission to go for short walks. However, you should wait at least six to eight months before engaging in activities like swimming, cycling, or horseback riding.