How to Fix and Install Slat Gate in Australia?

Various factors like privacy, sleek and sophisticated appearance, as well as almost no maintenance make the aluminum slat gate a great choice for nearly every house in Australia. Another big reason people prefer aluminum slat gates is because wooden screens and gates can debase rapidly in the Australian warmth and sun. On the other hand, aluminum slat gates deal with climate conditions with beauty. Aluminum slat is a truly unique design.
It may be very simple, but it gives out a beautiful statement with a gorgeous appeal. Moreover, it is very innovative, and the aluminum design is practical and easy to install. So, if you want to fix and install a modern aluminum slat gate that looks fantastic and highly reliable, here is a short guide containing the complete process.
Fit The Aluminum Slats:
Fixing an aluminum slat is very simple and easy. You need to set out a clean work area and use protection like cardboard on the ground to prevent your slat from scratches. If your channels are not the desired length, you have to cut them according to your desired length.
Use a drop saw to get a nice clean cut without heating the aluminum to the point that it starts burning the powder coating. Then mark out each end of the slat line, attach a string and with the help of panel length, mark the position of your posts on the ground. According to specialists, your post holes size is 600mm deep and 200 mm wide to provide your aluminum slat gate with plenty of support. Start the installation of your gate. So, you can easily work around the gate and decide the position and width of where you would like your panels.
With the help of spirit level and the string line, to make sure it is straight and level, stand your gate post in the hole and concrete the post in. Mark it to ensure you allow approx. 25mm above the panel and 50mm below. Repeat the complete process with the second gate post.
It will help you make sure that you’re between posts measurements match what you have offered. Now, you are ready to start concreting the remaining posts for the rest of the panels. Start with the panel closest to the gate; start fixing your posts one at a time.
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It is recommended that you leave your posts overnight to set before the fitting gate.
Fit You Aluminum Slat Gates:
Once you fit all the slots in the panel, your aluminum slat gate is ready to install. First, you have to decide which way you want your gate to swing to install the gate. Attach a line from one end of the gate to another. Set your aluminum gate at desired heights.
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It is recommended that you set the string line to around 50ml above the height of your aluminum gate so you will have a 50mm space below the gate.
Set your hinges to the back of the gate frame; 1 hinge is 100mm from the top, and the other hinge is up from the aluminum gate’s bottom. It is very important to position the hinges to screw them perfectly carefully. To screw hinges, hold the gate upright so it is at the desired height above ground level.
First, place one Tek screw in the top and bottom hinges’ top hole. There is no need to drill in all the screws if you have to adjust the gate to make it level. Carefully check that your gate swings easily and also level. If everything is perfect and you are happy with the position, continue to drill in the remaining Treks.
It is a short but complete guide to fitting and installing an aluminum slat gate. To install an aluminum slat gate, you need care and protection. But once you install the gate, you will get the best from. Installing aluminum slat gates is very important for a household. Some standards play an important role in the installation, like materials, height and location. Therefore, it is suggested that to avoid it getting a bit tricky, it is good to hire professionals in Australia.