How To Manage Stress And Anxiety Naturally?
Anxiety is referred to a neurological condition in which the patient experiences a series of unusual physical and emotional sensations without even knowing how to manage or cope with this situation. In other words, it’s a state of being mentally disturbed, uptight, irritable, tense, and nervous.
Common symptoms of anxiety include an irregular pattern of breathing, increased heartbeat, muscular tension, loss of appetite, and disturbed food digestion. These symptoms could be temporary or might last for weeks or even months depending upon how frequently you have anxiety attacks.
Anxiety can be treated both by medication and consultation. However, it’s always better to cope with anxiety without medication by just making some slight changes to your lifestyle.
Why Not To Use Anxiety Medications?
Anxiety medications could be preventive or curing you can consider either depending on the severity of the condition or if you have developed a persistent state of being anxious.
The most common medications for anxiety include antidepressants, antihistamines, anticonvulsants, beta-blockers, and anxiety supplements. These all are designed to reverse the abnormal neural mechanism by triggering either the overproduction of happy hormones or the suppression of stress hormones. As a result, the patient feels a major relief with a sensation of being normal, healthy, and optimistic.
Besides, anxiety medication over the counter is another group of general antianxiety drugs available to target stress, anxiety, and depression. The most common over the counter anxiety medications are cannabidiol (CBD), magnesium, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), inositol, and L-theanine. Others include multivitamin supplements, essential oils, and herbal remedies available to control stressed and anxious responses.
However, these anxiety supplements also shift the normal metabolism of body cells in addition to the neurons. It may lead to the side effects such as nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, disturbed sleep cycle, fatigue, blurry vision, and headache.
To get rid of the risk, going without anxiety medication is always better. It naturally relieves your mind and imparts positive changes to your behavior.
How to manage stress and anxiety naturally?
Take a step towards a healthier mindset and positive emotional response by actually understanding the major causes of anxiety and knowing how to switch them normally. Here are some ways you can try to reduce anxiety without prescription or over the counter medications.
- Understanding Anxiety
Feeling overwhelmed or anxious more regularly than normal is not as harmful as you think ever. Stress, anxiety, anger, mood swings, and sadness are all normal and healthy emotional responses we all experience under different conditions. For instance, these physically unpleasant emotions make our body decide either to fight or flight in an emergency situation.
Normally, these responses are short-lived and get balanced by neuronal metabolism. However, these responses can persist if the cause of the fight or flight situation remains longer. In such conditions, our brain continuously triggers emergency responses to fight the situation while inducing feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed.
So, there is a need for coping with the causes of anxiety before actually treating anxiety. The causes of anxiety may be evolutionary, biological, or cognitive. In short, understanding your life events and fears in the first place and then working on them would drive you toward a healthy lifestyle.
- Cope With Negative Thoughts
Anxiety triggers more negative thoughts and unhelpful emotional responses in which the patient becomes unable to differentiate the right and wrong and so, behaves abnormally. These negative thoughts could be future predictions, assuming other’s beliefs about you, perceiving unexpected things worse than actual, or labeling yourself negatively. Moreover, the what and if statements, should statements, overgeneralization, and catastrophic thoughts also indicate the anxious condition of the patient.
So, identifying your theme of anxious thoughts and challenging them to find positive things even in bad situation is the key to unlock your mental health.
Find all the possible solutions to overcome your negative thoughts, implement them one by one, and note down reviews. It will make you feel better and more satisfied than ever.
- Reducing Your Worrying Time
Anxious people tend to overthink and worry more frequently and longer than normal people. So, if you are worrying most of the day, you need to reduce it. You can practice either yoga poses, go for a random walk, do the gym, engage yourself in cooking, cleaning, or gardening, spend time with your pets, or simply watch your favorite movie. All these things will reduce your worry time and make you feel more energetic.
Implement these schedule shifts into your routine and see yourself farther from unusual episodes of anxiety and depression.