
A Guide To Better Sleep

1. Maintain High-Level Consistency

One of the first things you should be doing when you are looking to improve your sleep is to maintain a good level of consistency with your sleep schedule. You need to be going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day. This schedule needs to be followed throughout the week regardless if it’s the weekend or not. By maintaining high-level consistency, you can keep your body’s internal clock in sync. Doing so will ensure that you have an easy time falling asleep and waking up at the same time. If you ever change your schedule due to seasonal changes, you can adjust your sleep and wake times gradually until the optimal time is reached. This can keep you from having nights where you seemingly can’t fall asleep.

2. Increase Daylight Exposure

One of the most important things that you need to do to improve your sleep schedule is to ensure that you are getting adequate exposure to daylight. Exposure to natural sunlight is key to keeping your body’s internal clock properly synced. It can be one of the best ways to improve your sleep for those that have difficulty sleeping. By getting outside and getting sufficient exposure to sunlight, you can sync your body’s internal clock which can make it much easier to fall asleep at night because your body knows when it needs to wake up. There was a study recently that showed that two hours of sunlight exposure throughout the day increased the total amount of sleep from the subjects by as much as 2 hours. Likewise, it increased the sleep efficiency of the subjects by as much as 80 percent. If you have a busy schedule that is keeping you from getting adequate sunlight exposure, you want to try to make it a point to go outside even if it’s only for 20 minutes or so. You can always take some work calls outside, walk your dog, or even get your daily walk-in outside.

3. Set a Routine

Your body will know when it’s time to go to sleep much easier when you have a routine. Have a bedtime routine that you can stick to consistently.
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By creating and sticking to a routine, you can give your body a trigger that it can use to know when to wind down. You can incorporate calming routines into your nighttime ritual including meditating, practicing yoga, or something else. You also want to try to avoid exposure to blue light-emitting devices like smartphones, tablets, and televisions. Any blue light exposure can artificially simulate exposure to daylight which can confuse your body into thinking it’s not time to sleep.

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4. Skip Coffee Later In The Day

While you may love to drink coffee midday for that midday energy boost, it’s best to avoid it entirely. Unfortunately, caffeine can keep you from sleeping when consumed as much as 6 hours before going to sleep. Because of this, it’s best to avoid it entirely after mid-day. Caffeine is a stimulant and it can stimulate your central nervous system and keep you from being able to fall asleep easily. You want to avoid caffeine altogether mid-day because of this.

5. Avoid Naps

Try to avoid naps whenever possible. Napping is one of the easiest ways to make it difficult to fall asleep at night. After all, if you nap throughout the day, your body isn’t going to be sufficiently tired when it’s your bedtime.

6. Exercise Regularly

When you are looking to improve your sleep, one of the first things you ought to do is incorporate more exercise into your daily life. This is one of the easiest ways to improve the quality of your sleep.

7. Get Comfortable

The importance of comfort in your bedroom is imperative for a good night’s sleep. A great quality mattress is essential to provide the support that your body needs while you sleep. A mattress can be an expensive investment, use these Black Friday mattress coupons to find a bargain.

8. Sleep Aids

You may need a sleep aid to make it easier to fall asleep. If so, you can get one from your doctor.
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You can also ask your doctor about taking melatonin supplements as a natural sleep aid. This is typically used to treat insomnia in patients.
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There was a study recently that showed that participants that took 2mg of melatonin before bed were able to fall asleep better and achieve higher quality sleep. Always discuss adding supplements with your doctor as it could interfere with your current medications.

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