
What Kind Of Water Is Best For Baby Formula?

Our health largely depends on the quality of drinking water and it especially applies to the kid’s immature organism.
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The requirements for the quality of water used for formula preparation are higher than for those used for adults because at an early age the child’s body needs very careful care. Therefore, you should approach the choice of food products for your child responsibly, as well as the choice of water for drinking and preparing the first children’s meals.

Selecting Water for Formula Preparation

Experts insist on diluting powdered adapted baby food with clean hot water. In this case, it is better to refuse diluting whole milk, since adapted baby food already contains all the necessary components for a newborn e.g. European organic baby formula consists of omega-3 and omega-6  fatty acids and is enriched with probiotics and prebiotics. An excess of milk in the diet leads to unpleasant consequences – colic and diathesis.

There are two types of baby water. The first one is intended for drinking and the second one is for diluting the formula. The main difference between them is the mineral content. In the first case, the water is enriched with macro- and microelements, the concentration of which is 200-300 mg/l. This type is not recommended for formula preparation because the balance in the nutrition will be disturbed, since the adapted feeding already contains the required amount of useful elements. It is necessary to dilute the powder formula with water that is specially designed for these purposes, where the level of mineralization is three times lower than in drinking water. The level of mineralization in such water is approximately 64-107 mg/l.

Water Temperature 

The required temperature is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the package. As a rule, it is the same for all formulas – approximately 36-37°C.
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Such degrees are considered ideal for feeding since this is the temperature of mother’s milk. In addition, baby formulas contain bifidobacteria, which are very useful for the child’s body, but they lose efficiency under high temperatures. If possible, purchase a special thermometer for preparing food that can help you correctly determine the temperature.

How to Select the Drinking Water?

No one doubts that children must drink clean, fresh water in sufficient quantities for health and harmonious development. From the moment of introduction of supplementary food, it’s important that babies drink water without fail. Kids to 1 year old can drink 30-100 ml of water per day, and children from 2 to 7 years old should drink at least 1.2-1.7 liters of pure water per day, not counting other liquids like tea or juice. Baby water must meet the standards of the highest category where the use of silver and carbon dioxide as preservatives is not allowed. The content of fluoride ions in it should be within 0.6–0.7 mg/dm3, iodide ions – 0.04–0.06 mg/dm3. 

Thus, water with a high iron content can lead to the risk of disrupting the work of the liver and getting allergic reactions. Constant use of water with increased hardness leads to the accumulation of salts in the body and eventually to problems with the joints, to the formation of stones in the kidneys, gallbladder, and urinary bladder. Low fluoride content can lead to the development of caries while the increased content causes dental fluorosis in kids.

Final Thoughts 

It is best to choose specialty baby bottled water made by manufacturers with a good reputation. Such baby water undergoes multi-stage filtration, which cannot be achieved at home by boiling or filtration. Correctly selected water for your little one is one of the keys to its health and development.

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