
Workplace discrimination in Virginia: Things to know

Discrimination at work is not something you should tolerate. State and federal laws protect workers and employees from such discrimination. When something like that happens, you have to take action and seek justice.
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You may know the basics of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but for your help, and here’s more on what you need to know. 

Types of discrimination

Workplace discrimination is prohibited across industries and sectors. Such discrimination is often based on the race, sex, national origin, age, disability, and religion. Talk to a Virginia employment attorney, and they will tell you that most claims also pertain to adverse action on behalf of the employer. For instance, you may have suffered discrimination in the form of wrongful termination because you complained about sexual harassment at work. If you were treated negatively at work by your employer because you took a step against discrimination, you could have a valid case.
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An attorney can help you file a workplace discrimination claim. 

Understanding a hostile work environment

The whole concept of a “hostile work environment” is often misunderstood. You would have a discrimination claim if you were subjected to a hostile work environment, which is when you were made to feel intimidated, scared, unwelcome, or uncomfortable. Working in a hostile work environment can impact a worker’s ability to work efficiently. Proving such cases of discrimination is often the hardest part because one must prove discrimination in some form. For instance, if you record your employer being rude to you because of your gender or age, it could be valid proof of being subjected to a hostile work environment. 

Do you need an attorney?

No matter whether you have a case of workplace discrimination or a hostile work environment claim, things can be complex. Context and evidence do matter, and more often than not, it is not easy to prove discrimination has happened.
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For example, if you were wrongfully terminated because you complained about your supervisor’s behavior, your lawyer can investigate the matter and show evidence that the said supervisor has a history of discriminating against employees. Experienced attorneys know how EEOC proceedings happen and work with investigators and experts regularly. They also know when a claim is valid and if you can expect a positive outcome. Protecting and preserving your employment rights is important, and for that, lawyering up is a wise idea. 

Call a workplace discrimination lawyer in Virginia today to know more. 

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