protein intake, like carbs, is also activity dependent. If you do lots of work that breaks down muscle tissue—like lifting weights or wrestling alligators—you need many more grams of protein than sedentary individuals. A good rule of thumb is about one gram per pound of bodyweight, and you want to spread it out over the course of your day.
Try to get about 20 to 40 grams at each meal so that the building blocks are readily available at all times for muscle growth. Fat is also activity dependent, although less so than the other two macronutrients, carbs and protein, because it’s used 20 X-tree LEAN to build hormones and keep bodily functions running smoothly. N e v e ruthless, if you do hard labor, you’re fat needs inker as. Also, eating enough fat keeps your body burning fat, as it knows there’s not a shortage of that important nutrient.
You’re reading this book, so you know the importance of lifting weights for a lean, muscular physique. And we hope y o urge working out regularly to build muscle and stoke your metabolism. If you are, that means you’re going to need 30 to 40 percent of your calories from carbs, about the same percentage from protein and about 25 to 30 percent from fat— mostly good, essential fatty acids found in fish and nuts. Those are the totals in the carb-stacking diet outlined earlier.
With that strategy you also get the majority of your carbs in the morning and limit carbs in meals later in the day so your body has to at least partially rely on body fat for its energy. We’ve covered a lot of information in this chapter, so there’s a summary on the next page. After that, we’ll give you a real-world example. What the heck. How about two?
Lastly comment
The next chapter will show how we ate up to and through our one-month body transformation experiment. (The training we used is described at www.x-rep.com. We’ll also have more on training,