
4 Saving Tips for Travel Nurses

Traveling nurses, believe it or not, generally have to provide a lot of their equipment.  If they are traveling from location to location rather than traveling as a concierge travel nurse, then that can be a different story.

As a nurse, you are caught in between a rock and a hard place: how can you save money while also having to be in charge of most of your supplies?

There’s a lot of hope for you so don’t worry too much.  There are ways to work with your primary company, second hand medical stores where excess products are shipped off, and so much more.  We’ve got your back just like you’ve got ours.  Here are our top five saving tips for traveling nurses.

See What your Hiring Company Provides

If you aren’t a solo nurse then hopefully the company you work with or the hospital you are working for has access to or will have access to the supplies that you need. 

For those unaware, different nurses are going to need different supplies based upon the specialities that they have.  Because medical items cost so much, it can be very hard to maintain a balance of incoming and outgoing funds if you have to buy your own supplies.

Calculate Traveling Costs

As a travel nurse, you are probably going to use your own vehicle for much of that travel.  One way to make sure you are saving every =cent that you can is to track every single mile that you travel.  Keep in mind that any travel time that you track can only be for your job.

When it comes back around to tax time, you can then write off the additional miles on your car.  This is a great way to save money and get some money back!

Shop at Multiple Locations

No matter where you go, one of the biggest saving tips that anyone could use is, don’t be afraid to shop at different stores.  For example, if you are a traveling nurse living alone, you may not have as much food that a family of four needs to purchase. 

Even if that is the case, you can save by following these three tips:

Dried goods and pre packaged goods are best to get at a Wal-Mart or competitive store.  As to produce and any specialty items, find where the best produce is in town and you will also find the best deals.  

Farmer’s markets are going to be your best bet, but King Soopers and few others are also going to be a safe bet.  From there, if you have any special items such as trumpet mushrooms in my own home, then find a local store that sells those items.  

Hunting for Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and other specific stores can take time, but it is worth it for the money that you can save.

Use Websites to Find Housing

Why is it that finding housing is always so difficult? Other than the prevalent issues of housing prices increasing, it is also difficult to always be in the right place at the right time.  This is why there are services like Kayak and more specific services like Travelers Haven.

I more so recommend Travelers Haven thanks to how easy they make the process.
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  You can keep track of everything from communicating with the leasing offices, to choosing furnishings.  If you are looking to save as much as you can, then you have to determine what elements of housing are important to you.

Here are some important things to consider:

  • How much personal space do I need?
  • Do I plan on having people over?
  • Is there any animal I need to consider?
  • Will one bedroom be enough?
  • Do I need an office?
  • What features are in the bathroom?
  • How far do I have to go to wash my clothes?
  • Will the internet, water, and gas be supplied?

These are all extremely valid questions that need to be at the forefront of your mind as you search for housing.  Make sure you pick what is safe and what is also affordable.

If you choose something just because of the price without researching the area that you are moving into, you will go into a neighborhood absolutely blind to any local issues.


The only other thing that can really help save costs is finding second-hand scrubs at non-medical locations.  For a long time, there were several stores that had shepherd scrubs available year round, however I have found scrubs more so in donation stores. 

This job takes a toll on a person and on the pocket book.  While these different steps aren’t going to save you millions of dollars, every penny saved is a penny earned.  Watch your finds and dive into saving your money as smartly as you possibly can.

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